
a photo

photo via Style me Pretty... by way of Studio MSV

It is no surprise that 40's glam is in. Times are tough and the lipstick rule is in full effect.
Elle even gave a list of shades of red to be hot this fall.

There is a photo of my grandmother in her house that I love more than anything in the world. If I remember correctly she was about 18 when she had the photo done and she is honestly the most stunning beautiful woman I have ever seen. I wish I had a copy of that photo.
Blake Lively on cover of Vogue

The one thing that I love about the photo is that it encompasses 40's glam in the most perfect way. It is in black and white but you can tell by her perfectly coiffed hair that she has to be wearing the brightest most killer red lipstick.
The costumes from Grey Gardens (the remake) when Little Edie is young are pretty great too. I love the style, the hair, everything. If I weren't so awful at hair and makeup I would do this look everyday.

1 comment:

  1. i'd love to see that photo! i just can't wear red lipstick...i wish i could.

    looks great on you!!


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